CS Department Research Laboratories
- The Computer Architecture and Systems Lab focuses in the area of high-performance computing, energy-efficient storage systems, parallel/distributed systems, and security-aware scheduling. In particular, we have been investigating efficient scheduling schemes and resource management strategies to support high performance applications running on dedicated and non-dedicated clusters, which consist of off-the-shelf hardware and software components.
- The Integrating Cyber Innovations with Physical World (ICIP) Lab addresses the challenges of applying computer science theories and IT technologies in the real physical world. A few examples this group has looked into include resources constraints (such as timing and power consumption constraints) in embedded systems, implicit assumptions made about human behaviors (such as how domain experts and technicians interact with a computer system), and physical environments in which the computer systems are deployed (such as temperature), and optimization issues in loosely coupled distributed cyber-physical systems (such as water systems that contain water from wastewater treatment plants, lakes/rivers, and rain, etc). Recently, the group is looking into workforce aging issues that face many industries, especially legacy utility industries. A few directions in address the issue include using process mining techniques to uncover implicit knowledge from event logs, using hyperdimensional computing to predict skill trends, identify critical roles in an institution, and prepare for future workforce transitions.
- The Intelligent Machines and Systems Laboratory is engaged in research and teaching in several areas of robotics and intelligent systems. These include applications to robots and systems using techniques such as fuzzy logic, genetics and evolutionary algorithms, machine intelligence, neural networks, intelligent multi-agent systems, and dynamic system and control.
- The Audio Processing Laboratory uses signal processing and machine learning to study sounds produced by animals. Our current focus is on learning to recognize the calls of wild dolphins and whales. Detection of these calls is useful for mitigation and monitoring efforts which examine the effect of human-induced sound on animals in the marine environment. Temporal and spatial analysis of these calls and other environmental variables is used to learn more about how these animals use their habitat. We work in collaboration with the Scripps Whale Acoustics Lab at Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
- The Cyber Innovation Group at SDSU is dedicated to invention of new technologies in the broad telecommunication and networking areas. The current research effort is focused on designing new energy efficient wireless networking protocols to support Quality of Experience (QoE) for multimedia applications, developing cutting edge Internet of Things (IoTs) applications, and creating modern wearable body sensor systems for mobile healthcare. 3D Game Programming Lab supports research in Service-Learning with Game Development. Students interested in the field of Serious Games can use the PCs, Xbox360s, and Xbox Kinect systems to design and implement 3D games that benefit disciplines outside of computer science.
- The Computer Vision Lab focuses on the development of generic theories, unified models and powerful algorithms to address the most fundamental challenges in the area of Computer Vision. Our studies also involve topics in multiple subdisciplines of Artificial Intelligence (AI), including machine learning, cognition, multimedia computing, and computational statistics. The developed techniques have wide potentials in security surveillance, robotics, autonomous driving, and other applications. Our projects have been supported by several federal agencies, including DoD DARPA, National Science Foundation (NSF), and Office of Naval Research (ONR).