We had several of our Computer Science students participate in the Student Research Symposium that took place March 5th and 6th. Some created research posters […]
We had several of our Computer Science students participate in the Student Research Symposium that took place March 5th and 6th. Some created research posters […]
Dr. Tao Xie was awarded an NSF CAREER Grant. The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science […]
San Diego State University and Chonbuk National University (CBNU), Korea recently signed an agreement to collaborate on research in the areas of intelligent systems and […]
Rob Edwards was invited to Brazil this summer to teach a course at the Brazilian National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (Laboratorio Nacional de Computacao Cientifica). […]
Congratulations go out to several of our CS faculty for receiving grant awards this summer! Dr. Mahmoud Tarokh Title: Robotic Helicopter for Monitoring Pollution and […]