Undergraduate Advisors

Virtual Meeting Appointments Go to sdsu.campus.eab.com

(Use the same log in you use for WebPortal.)

  1. Once in, select: Get Assistance.
  2. Choose an Advising Appointment. (For academic advising: choose from the dropdown menu the reasoning for your appointment.)
  3. For location, choose: CoS: Computer Science.
  4. Select an open appointment (request one if none are available).
  5. Be sure to add your Name and Red ID in the open comment section!
  6. Save Zoom link so you can log in at the appointment time.


RAAR (Request for Adjustment of Academic Requirement) http://advising.sdsu.edu/_resources/pdf/raar-2021.pdf

Late Schedule Adjustment https://registrar.sdsu.edu/students/academic_status/withdrawal-late-schedule-adjustment

Change of Major/Minor https://registrar.sdsu.edu/students/academic_resources/change_declare_major