
Alumni Profile: Daniel Moncada

Degree & Year Graduated B.S. Computer Science, 2010 How did you become interested in your field? I became interested in our field when my Dad […]

Computer Science Corporate Advisory Board

Attendees at the CS CAB meeting included, from left to right, Ken Lawonn (Sharp Healthcare), Erna Adelson (Sony Network Entertainment), Bey Gonzales (Qualcomm), Janet Vohariwatt […]

Computer Science Graduates of 2015

Congratulations to this year’s computer science graduates!  Commencement was on Saturday May 16, 2015 and our department had a great showing.  This academic year (2014/2015) […]

Class of 2015 Outstanding Graduate

Congratulations to Dan Carrigan for being named the 2015 Outstanding Graduate for Computer Science! He was also honored with being named the 2015 Outstanding Graduate […]